
Favorites from Spring RTW 2012

Valentino Spring RTW 2012 says, "What's the big deal?  We know what you want.  It's a no-brainer."

Louis Vuitton... yes, it's the same dress - on the horse, off the horse.  

Alexander McQueen's women will make things happen.  I swear those photos are moving a la Harry Potter...
My new love - Vena Cava.  These are the clothes I drive around in my red car in with my BFF's getting boba drinks on the sunny westside, feeling the ocean breeze.  It's called "no time".


hiking in a skirt

Tibetan Arts skirtTeva boots (What's new?), flea market linen blouse, found fabric rose, home-made belt

Okay, the last post was rock climbing in a skirt.  This is just hiking.  Temescal, up to see the waterfall, and I just have to say that I saw two other people in skirts on this hike.  I was inspired by Downton Abbey when I added the rose and tucked in the skirt.  It's a bit soap opera for me, but I will watch it for the costumes.  Wow.